Sunday, November 1, 2009

Response Ability

How do you feel when you sit down to pay your bills each month? Most of the people I know think of money as a burden. For many of us, finances cause us extreme stress and consternation. Consequently, often we are in a hurry to hand over responsibility for our money to someone else: the bank, our spouse, or our financial advisor. While there is nothing wrong with seeking advice from others, at the end of the day we must take complete ownership for how we use our resources.

Money is in fact a gift from God. When we begin to think of it as Divine energy, we change our relationship to money. When we live in harmony with Divine Principle, we see that we are provided with what we need for each day. With that gift we have the ability to respond in a way that is consistent with our understanding of God or not.

We must use our money energy in a mindful manner. Each and every penny is sacred and we are obliged to and blessed to be able to put it to its highest and best use in our lives. This is part of the gift of free will we have been given. Only we can know what activities and investments are in harmony with our core values and divine life purpose. At the end of the day we are each accountable for the constructive use of our money energy.

Do you ever think about your relationship to the Divine, when you have the pen in your hand writing a check? Most of us never bring God into the conversation about money until we are in dire straits. The challenge with keeping our spiritual lives separate from our financial lives is that in Truth there is no separation. We must view every situation in our lives as part of our spiritual practice. Every time we pick up our checkbook we have the ability to respond to God. We can be nervous and stressed or we can give thanks and praise for what gifts we have and ask for Divine guidance about our financial situation, whether we are experience abundance or lack.

Living life fully requires that we consciously and intentionally put our life energy to work, including our money energy. We can guide our energy to more or less constructive ends. Scattered energy has less of an impact than focused energy. Energy can be used for life giving as well as life suppressing activities. Every financial decision can be an opportunity to pause and faithfully respond to God. What an amazing gift!
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1 comment:

  1. I love the phrase "money energy." I am pasting one of these paragraphs onto my checkbook. I also want to bring the awareness of the Divine to every time I pull out my credit card, which is how I do nearly all my spending. I am putting the words "money energy" into my credit card space also.

    This posting is the one that I needed to read at this time. Thanks for sharing, Pam. martha
