Sunday, October 25, 2009

Intention Attention

Money is the visible sign of a universal force, and this force in its manifestation on earth works on the vital and physical planes and is indispensable to the fullness of the outer life. In its origin and its true action it belongs to the Divine.
-Sri Aurobindo

This statement certainly gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect. “Money is ... indispensable to the fullness of the outer life.” What exactly does this mean?
I don’t think it means that money is what gives meaning to our outer lives. However, it is clear he means that money is an important part of living in the world. We cannot avoid working on our relationship to money, if we are to be “in the world but not of the world.” Contemplatives say that the spiritual journey has deeper meaning when the fullness of the inner life is brought in to manifestation in the outer life. Money is one of the gifts and challenges that facilitate the process of manifesting the Commonwealth of God on earth.

Money is merely a tangible representation of creative Divine energy. As such it has no inherent character, good or bad, except that which we give it through our intentions, thoughts and actions. I suspect that one of the reasons we find money so challenging is that our experiences with money, at the end of the day, reveal to us who we really are. Often we believe that others cannot discern what our true intentions are. In fact many of us are not even clear about our own intentions. In my experience as a financial advisor, however, I have found that every individual is confronted with their authentic intentions, if they are willing to look truthfully at their relationship to and with money.

I want to stress, this is not about how much money we have. This is about the dynamics of our experience with money. Our relationship with money is reflected in the internal dialogue that pervades our thoughts and the emotional landscape of our financial lives. Do we trust that we will have all that we need? Or do we “help” God provide for us? Do we understand that waiting on the Lord is an active and receptive posture? Or do we think that it means to do nothing? Or do we stay so busy that we cannot even listen for a word? How emotionally charged do we get when we experience a lack of money or an abundance of money?

Take a moment when you are opening and paying your bills or standing in the checkout line at the store and observe what you are thinking and feeling. Were you even aware of your inner dynamic? This process is actually not so scary if we can make a mental shift to viewing money as a spiritual teacher and guide. When we are open to seeing our flaws, they no longer have power over us. Growth can only happen when there is a willingness to see the truth and then be transformed by that truth.
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